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Transform Your Speech Therapy Sessions with Autistic Kids with This Internationally Acclaimed Sensory Certificate Program

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Do You Ever Wish
You Had More Time
and More Resources
So You Could Make More Progress with the Autistic Kids You Treat?

You want more than anything to serve every child to the best of your ability and to make more therapeutic progress with your autistic students.

But it feels like there’s never enough time to prepare for sessions, to get to the point in a session where you’re making real headway, or to learn strategies you need for successful treatment sessions.

If you’re like most SLPs I talk to, chances are... 

You feel frustrated and powerless session after session when your autistic kids don't make steady progress, and it feels like you're not getting enough done.

You’re at a loss for words when it comes to talking to parents and teachers about what you’re doing in sessions, and how they can support the work outside of therapy.

You have a gnawing feeling that you could be doing more for your autistic kids, helping them more effectively, making more progress — you just don’t know how.

The worst part is — you know that the longer you struggle to reach your kids, the more likely it is that they’ll miss a critical development window and remain in therapy, working on the same goals for years.

And you don't want that for them.

I know treating autistic students can be overwhelming.

You probably feel like something is missing, and you’re right.

I felt that way too.

Please know that it’s not your fault at all. 

The truth is, there’s a gap between what you learned and what you need to know in order to have successful  speech therapy sessions with your autistic kids.

And the sensory resources and educational opportunities specifically for SLPs who work with autistic kids don’t exist.

(Or didn’t exist until right this very minute!) 

I know because I struggled, too...

I Was a Confused
and Defeated Clinician

In case we haven’t formally met, I’m Jessie Ginsburg, M.S., CCC-SLP. 


Let me tell you my story...


Before there was ASD from the Inside Out...there was a confused and defeated therapist (that would be me).


​I was constantly frustrated about the lack of progress with my autistic kids.


​I questioned my therapy approaches and everything I’d been taught.


I didn't feel like I was doing enough for my clients.


Even though I had their absolute best interests at heart, and I’d done everything I was trained to do…

It wasn’t working. I couldn’t breakthrough.


That’s when I discovered that in order to make a difference, not only in a child's communication skills but in their life, I needed to think in a new way.


So I did a "brain dump" of everything I knew about working with autistic children.


And I realized...

A Child's Learning Starts With Human Connection

​The old school “sit at a table and do these flashcards” approach was OUT. 


Finding fun movement activities to engage our kids was IN.

​​Kids NEED...I repeat, NEED, to be regulated in order to communicate in the most effective way possible.

Kids in Preschool

And after I had too many "ah-ha" moments to count...

I enrolled in every sensory processing course I could get my hands on.


There was just one problem — they weren't meant for me.


They were meant for OTs, and the coursework was dense and exhausting.

It took a lot of time to figure out how I could take these strategies and integrate them into my speech sessions.

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But guess what?


I did it.


I took the courses.


I did the hard work.


I spent loads of cash.


​So you don't have to.

Instead, you get all of the applicable information distilled into an 6-month program — created by an SLP for SLPs.

So, you can focus on helping your kids make progress...

Do the Work You’re Meant to Do — Help Them Communicate

Now you can save yourself time, energy, and a whole lot of money. 


And you can feel confident about integrating sensory strategies to get more out of your sessions.


​The best part?


​This course is designed just for SLPs, students, and assistants. 


But it isn’t only about sensory processing. 

Mother and Child

The Inside Out Sensory Certificate Program gives you a step-by-step plan, plus concrete strategies for improving regulation in your autistic clients, so you can do the real work you were meant to do: Help them communicate.



By now, you may be wondering how it works...

What Is the Inside Out Sensory Method for SLPs?

The Inside Out Program was created out of my desire to help autistic kids make real, tangible progress in our speech therapy sessions — and out of my frustration with the lack of resources for SLPs. It’s based on years of study, research, and hands-on use.


As SLPs, we’re educated and trained in treating students with communication disorders, but the problem is — we’re not trained in how to effectively work with autistic kids.


And knowing how to support your autistic students is more important than ever…

1 in 54 kids is autistic
Up to 95% of autistic people report sensory processing differences
Chances are your caseload is filled with autistic kids who need your help 

Baranek, David, Poe, Stone, & Watson, 2006; Tomcheck & Dunn, 2007; Leekam, Nieto, Libby, Wing & Gould, 2007; Adamson, 2006; Hazen, 2014

Why Sensory Regulation?

In therapy sessions, your first goal is to bring the child into their optimal learning zone. This is the zone in which the child is regulated, both emotionally and physically.

Therefore, their mind and body are ready to learn. 


Why does it matter?

Because if a child is not in their optimal learning zone, the child is not going to get the most out of the session — and they’ll struggle to move beyond the basics.

Here’s how I explain it…


Think of a staircase inside the child’s brain. 


Often, even if a child isn’t regulated, engaged, or intrinsically motivated, they can still manage to skip over any gaps to get to basic language skills. 


The problem is, this child has landed in Rote Language Land. 


They can say things like, “I want juice.”


But they lack novel, flexible language skills, like saying, “I want juice. But if we’re out, I’ll take chocolate milk.”

Only by filling in the gaps at the bottom of the staircase can you expect to make progress into higher-level language and cognitive skills.


Those gaps you must fill are regulation and engagement. 

And that’s exactly what the Inside Out Sensory Method helps you do step-by-step:

  • Assess Sensory Processing needs and come up with an individualized plan for each client

  • Treat your kids, so they can regulate and engage — moving into novel, flexible language 

  • Share your plan with parents and teachers, so your kids’ goals are supported outside of therapy sessions

  • Make real progress toward high-level functions such as, abstract thinking, pretend play, logic, and emotions 

When you develop your “SLP Sensory Super powers”...
your therapy practice will transform...

Imagine Feeling 100% Confident That You Can Consistently Have Successful Speech Sessions with Your Autistic Students 

After completing the INSIDE OUT Sensory Certificate Program, you will:


Know exactly how to make sessions with your autistic kids more effective and productive using sensory regulation methods 


Be able to assess each client based on their unique sensory preferences, patterns, and self-regulation skills


Develop a treatment plan that always starts with bringing the child into their optimal learning zone to pave the way for progress into higher skills


Have an entire SLP’s vault full of practical methods and tools you can use in every session to make your work easier, more fulfilling, and to help you get better results for your kids faster


Feel completely assured that you can clearly explain your treatment plans to parents and teachers and enlist their support in the home and at school


Become known as the go-to highly trained therapist for more autistic kids who need your help



Sensory Certificate for SLPs

A 6-month online certificate program for SLPs, students, and assistants who want to confidently assess and treat autistic children — without a huge investment in time or money.


Module 1


You'll learn:


  How to reimagine speech therapy using the Language Staircase and why understanding a child’s sensory system first is the key to improving their attention, engagement, and language

✓ How to develop a Neurodiversity Affirming, Strengths-Based Approach in your work and how to help parents make sense of their child’s sensory processing needs and preferences


 What you need to know about the sensory systems, sensory modulation and registration, and how different children experience stimuli differently leading to dysregulation


 How to identify sensory processing differences in your clients, plus how to lead sensory-based interventions

✓ What a child’s behaviors in various settings and situations tell you, why behaviors are always a signal, and how this knowledge can inform your speech therapy sessions

Module 2


You'll learn:


How to deepen your understanding of the Optimal Learning Zone — what it is and why it matters, plus a simple way to explain it to parents and teachers

Why both High and Low Levels of Arousal impact the child and your therapy session and how to work with them to get the client to their optimal learning zone


What the Optimal Arousal Band and Optimal Arousal Theory are, plus clinical implications, intervention, and considerations

Module 3


You'll learn:


 The functions of Proprioceptive, Vestibular and Tactile Processing and why they matter in the context of speech therapy


 What types of Tactile, Vestibular, Proprioceptive, Auditory, and Visual Processing Differences your autistic kids may experience and how they are relevant to your work

 The range of System Processing differences your clients may experience including Gravitational Insecurity, Proprioception Seeking Behaviors, and Tactile Defensiveness just to name a few

  How to use different Sensations to help your client regulate and shift into their optimal learning mode

✓ Plus intervention considerations related to sensory system processing 

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Module 4


You'll learn:


  How to utilize the Inside Out Sensory Assessment to evaluate your clients’ individual needs


 How to interpret your findings and make hypotheses in order to plan the most effective treatment sessions

 How to create your own custom Sensory Profiles for your autistic kids using my templates

  What types of recommendations to make based on each child’s unique sensation patterns

Module 5


You'll learn:


 How to quickly and easily determine your clients’ Sensory Preferences and Sensation Patterns, plus how to integrate

the two


  Ways to incorporate various Sensory Inputs into different therapy activities based on the child’s unique sensory preferences


 Types of activities you can use to provide Calming or Alerting Input in order to bring the child into their Optimal Learning Zone

 How to use Case Studies as a learning tool for sensory concepts by watching videos of my own clients

Module 6


You'll learn:


How to effectively plan your sessions, write goals, and generate recommendations for treatment

 How to confidently create Session Action Plans to target both regulation and communication


✓ Ways to customize Sensory Activities for your students to help them get into optimal learning mode

✓ How to provide a high level of support to your clients’ families, teachers, and other professionals through training and collaboration tools I’ve created

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Plus, you get these amazing bonuses!

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Special Guest Lecture with world renown OT & author of widely used Sensory Profile Assessment, Dr. Winnie you get to learn Dunn's Sensory Processing Framework from the woman who created it, and this will guide you in the sensory assessment process.



Guest trainings by Rachel Dorsey, The Autistic SLP, on the Neurodiversity Paradigm, Joint Attention, and Bodily Autonomy

Guest training by Sarah Salveggi-Hernandez, @theautisticot, on Sensory Self-Advocacy

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Study Group Calls: Each week, you’ll be invited to a Study Group with our Inside Out you can truly absorb all of the valuable information from the trainings, stay accountable to yourself, and make sure you’re on track to complete your certificate.


Monthly Group Coaching: During the 4th week of every month, you’ll have the chance to submit your questions for a Live Group Coaching Q & A Call with me (Jessie) you can get the personalized feedback that will increase your confidence in your therapy sessions and get help with any roadblocks. 


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When You Enroll, You Get:

Lifetime access to a 6-module online Sensory Certificate training for SLPs — as long as the course exists, you’ll have access (Value $997)


A workbook + complete toolkit full of resources for assessing and treating your autistic students — you’ll use these resources in every therapy session (Value $497)


Four live calls every month — Study Groups and Coaching (Value $5,982)


Access to our members-only online community — for the lifetime of the group (Value $497)

Guest trainings — with Autistic SLP Rachel Dorsey, Autistic OT Sarah Selvaggi-Hernandez, & OT Dr. Winnie Dunn  (Value Priceless!)

TOTAL VALUE = $8,170


But, your investment is only a fraction of the total value... 

Your Sensory Certificate for SLPs Investment Options

If you’re an SLP, student, or assistant who wants to feel confident and competent in your work with autistic kids, this course is absolutely essential. 


Getting kids regulated is the cannot-skip first step in creating an environment where kids can get the most out of the session. 


And sensory techniques are THE tool to help kids regulate. These tools are not typically taught to SLPs...but I’m here to change that.

INSIDE OUT is the one and only certificate program of its kind, and I’m offering it to you right now at a reasonable investment. 



Apply for the Inside Out Sensory Certificate Program Today


(6 monthly installments of $299)

Or Save $180 When You Pay in Full!

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It's now easy to explain plans to parents
and other professionals...

“This course has been so valuable to me. I really think that the assessments, checklists, and action plans were fantastic.

I am able to support and address each aspect of a child’s needs now in a manageable and concrete manner that makes it easy (finally!) to explain to parents and other professionals exactly what I am doing and WHY. I know where

and how to start, and where to go with these resources.”


Beth, M.S., CCC-SLP

Never felt this confident treating kids on the spectrum before...

“I have never felt this confident treating kids on the spectrum. I feel much more confident and calm when I see a kiddo on the spectrum. As someone who deals with anxiety in general, work can be a trigger for me. 

Since taking this course, each time I review an IEP, I am able to come up with a tentative assessment and (very loose) treatment outline/plan for each kiddo and feel assured of my skills and knowledge. I’m pretty sure that the biggest change has been how transformative this course was for my confidence.” 

Hilary, M.A., CCC-SLP

Helping kids make more
progress — faster…

“Number 1: I am more confident in what to do and why I am doing it.


Number 2: I am better able to explain my goals and how to achieve

them to parents, especially with use of the handouts.


Number 3: I am less scattered and more focused with the structure this course provided.

Number 4: I am seeing faster and better progress in my patients!”


Jen, M.S., CCC-SLP 

Changed the way I design therapy activities…

“I had an ah-hah moment when looking at all the sensation patterns within each process.

At times when providing therapy, I forget to stop and think about what am I doing or not doing to engage my patients. And it's all these processes that I forget to take in consideration to improve the way I am providing therapy to patients. 

This information will impact the way I design therapy activities tremendously.”


Sandra, SLPA

“Will the INSIDE OUT Sensory Program Work for Me?”

If we’re keeping it real (and simple) — YES! 


It will work for you if you’re an SLP or SLPA who works with autistic clients and you want to feel more competent, confident, and successful in your sessions. 


Most of all, it’s perfect for you, if you care deeply about the kids you serve and want to help them make the most progress possible in the shortest amount of time. 


If you’re willing to put in minimal time (about 1 hour a week for 6 months) and commit to using the step-by-step tools in your practice, you will see results with your autistic kids. 


However, if you’re not willing to commit a reasonable amount of time, energy, and money for a “return on investment” that will reward you and your students for many years to come, then the Sensory Certificate Course isn’t a good fit for you right now.

Money-Back Guarantee + My Promise to You

100% Money Back

I care about you and your students and want you to get results. I put my all into creating courses that will help you become a more confident, successful SLP, and ultimately, that will help more autistic kids make life-changing progress in speech therapy.


I promise you a no-filler, easy-to-digest, and practical course full of tools you will continue to use every day in your practice for years to come. 


More than that — I promise that if you stick with me for 6 months, earn your Sensory Certificate for SLPs, and implement what you’ve learned, you WILL transform your therapy sessions and transform yourself as a therapist.


But, if for any reason you’re not satisfied with the course, you can simply email me within the first 7 days after Module 1 is released and request a refund. I just ask that you show your work from the module.

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A Final Note:

I’m Taking a Stand for You and

for Autistic Kids...

SLPs need access to sensory techniques because they are ESSENTIAL in creating an environment where productive work can be done in sessions. 


Without regulation and engagement, you can’t make the kind of progress

that leaves you feeling satisfied and fulfilled — and your autistic kids can’t get the kind of results they deserve.


Previously, there was just one massive problem — there was little to no training available specifically for SLPs. 


Problem solved!


I’ve made it easy for you.

I’ve taken the deep dives, done the work, gotten the certifications. 


I've taken the long road and distilled these concepts into practical,

easy-to-implement strategies and tools, so you can get better results for

your students.


And I’m delivering this opportunity to SLPs in a way you’ve never had access to before.


This is your chance to become the highly trained therapist that your autistic kids need.


Will you join me?





© 2022 Jessie Ginsburg, M.S., CCC-SLP

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